
Launch your Freelance Marketplace with Husky

A platform that can help you build a Marketplace like Fiverr/Upwork without coding!

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Freelance Marketplace Platform

Learn how to make a freelancing website or app with Husky and get started within no time.

Multi-responsive themes for website and apps which offers a satisfying user experience.

Powerful admin dashboard which allows admin to set up and control their freelance marketplace.

Integrated Chat Support to resolve any query related to the project.

How it works?

3 simple steps to be an admin or a customer on Husky Platform

1 Onboarding

It involves setting up with initial marketplace for onboarded clients to start with.

2 Update store and settings

It allows admin to update their online store and other settings present in the dashboard.

3 And Yes! It's done.

Now you are ready to launch your freelance marketplace and
get orders.

1 Log in and browse

Freelancer seekers will log in and search for requirements on
your platform.

2 Post requirements

Freelancer seekers will describe their requirements and post it on your platform.

3 Accept the bid

Freelance seekers will choose one of the bid option posted and, your order is placed.

Create your own freelance Website & App

Explore Husky

Our Husky Features

Eight essentials aspects of Husky

Collaborate with Husky and create website like Upwork or Fiverr

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A Single Trustworthy software for building a Freelance Marketplace

Home Service Want to be a leading home and personal services provider? Husky is here to help you to set up your own freelance marketplace for home services.
Digital Marketing Service No need to be a coding expert to build a website to connect digital marketers with professionals. Husky will help you to launch your own freelancer marketplace.
Transport Service Interested in a software that can connect transporters with clients? Our Husky software will do it quickly for you.

Do you want to start, manage and grow your
freelancer marketplace business?

Sign up on Husky today and create your own Upwork or Fiverr clone script.

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