
Build an

No coding skills required | Launch in 24 hours

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With Husky,
You can build your choice of

Auction Marketplace

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Marketplace Platform

Real Estate

Commercial | Residential
Create an online marketplace

Art & Antiques

Paintings | Sculpture | Jewellery
Marketplace Platform


Electronics | Car | Fashion | Art
Create an online marketplace


Car | Bus | Jeep | Truck
Marketplace Platform


Poultry | Cattle | Sheep | Goat
Create an online marketplace

Finance & Insurance

Life | Property | Health | Car
Create an online marketplace


Courier | Cargo | Warehouse

Husky's powerful offerings

An effective solution for running an Auction marketplace with an array of features.

  • Dynamic Websites and Apps

    Custom Search | Bidding Strategy | Easy Payments | Real time chat
  • Powerful Admin Dashboard

    Dynamic Themes | Commissions and Settlements | Seller Management | Product Categorization
  • Integrated Chat Support

    Dispute Management | Negotiate on Bid Price | Product discussion
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Why choose Husky to create an Auction Marketplace?

  • Free Trial

    14-day free trial to test out the marketplace.

  • No coding needed

    Put together your online marketplace without the assistance of a coder.

  • Fully Customizable

    Personalise your marketplace by adding your own design and images to better reflect your brand

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Create an online marketplace
Create an online marketplace

Integrated global payment systems

Husky provides an integrated payment system to allow buyers and sellers to pay and earn easily.

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Serving clients all over the world

Customers in over 180 countries are growing their businesses with Jungleworks.
5K+Live businesses