When compared to other medical sciences, the workforce dedicated to dermatology has always been on the lower end. To counter this lack of manpower, teledermatology has been on the rise since the 1990s and has now become a legit way of running a dermatology practice. Given the technology enabled lives most people lead today, it should come as no surprise that dermatology would head the telemedicine way. In fact, teledermatology happens to be amongst the most competitive amongst health care environments. If you’re looking forward to starting your own teledermatology practice via an app or website, we have just the thing for you.

What is Teledermatology?
Before we dive into how to set up a teledermatology app, let’s shed some light on what teledermatology is. A subspecialty of dermatology, teledermatology ranks high in the list of popular use of telemedicine and tech in the medical industry. Just like telemedicine, teledermatology allows medical records and data to be transfer in audio or visual form irrespective of the distance. The utilization of Teledermatology is in many varied spaces of healthcare management including diagnosis, treatment, consultation, and college-level education.
1. Quality of Service
Most people anticipate a shift in quality from offline to online, especially when it comes to healthcare services. If you’re wondering whether a physical dermatology clinic offers better services than a teledermatology practice, we have got news for you. According to research, online dermatology is just as efficient and appropriate as a physical practice. In fact, according to a recent study the diagnosis rate accuracy is as high as 80%.3 for teledermatology. If there’s one fact these findings and researches help confirm, it’s that despite not being in the same room as the patient, medical professionals are able to provide quality care to their patients. With teledermatology, doctors can offer quality services to patients without being limited by their location.
2. Economic Value
One of the biggest advantages of telemedicine is its cost effectiveness. According to a report, states that offered advanced dermatology services online ended up saving more than $17,000 over a period of 3 years. A completely online dermatology practice doesn’t need a physical clinic to operate out of and can save a lot of money on expenses. This also means they charge less from their patients as compared to a physical clinic since they don’t have any investment to recuperate. By providing patients with access to affordable and effective teledermatology services online, medical professionals are able to expand their operating area while saving on setup and other costs.
3. Time Reduction
Often time is equated with money. Everyone’s time is important but physical clinics aren’t generally the epitome of time management. Long waiting hours, poorly scheduled appointments, and a general absence of respect for everyone’s time are some of the issues that plague physical dermatology clinics. With a teledermatology platform, both doctors and patients can save time, with over 60% of clinic users stating that improved patient access and scheduling flexibility were key factors in delivering satisfaction. According to a study, teledermatology services led to a decrease in in-clinic dermatologist visits by almost 74%. Stellar dermatology services can also ensure that patient follow-up visits are lesser, treatment costs are low. And cases undetected are fewer, which would positively affect the healthcare system both in terms of finances and time.

What can a Teledermatology App be Used for?
Maintenance of Skin Conditions
With a teledermatology app, you can offer virtual appointments for first-time consultations, maintenance-related visits or a general skin checkup. Given dermatology’s visual nature, you can easily identify potential issues with skin and diagnose the condition accordingly. Some skin conditions that are easily identifiable and treatable via teledermatology include eczema, psoriasis, shingles, or poison ivy. Even distinct rashes can be identified and cared for on a purely virtual level.
Unlike other medical science, dermatology often doesn’t require a scan of the body to identify potential issues, making it a prime candidate for app-based telemedicine services. A consultant can analyze your skin condition over a video call or get more details from you based on past records, diagnose the condition, and suggest a treatment. Some teledermatology apps also offer an option to buy medicines directly from the app. But there are further regulations that need to be taken care of in those cases.
Not suitable for potential skin cancer diagnosis
While a majority of dermatology-based services can be offered over call or video, actual skin checks can only be performed at physical clinics. This is because most skin checks require the use of a dermatoscope, which isn’t possible online. The initial diagnosis can be done via a teledermatology app. But the actual treatment in more serious cases is only possible by visiting an actual clinic.
How to Set up a Teledermatology App
If you’re planning to develop a teledermatology app from scratch, don’t. The time and money required to create and launch an app from scratch is not for the faint of heart. Particularly businesses that are just starting out. Enter Panther, a one-of-a-kind SaaS teledermatology software development platform. It allows you to create your own app for online doctor consultation. Let’s look at some features that make Panther the go-to partner for your teledermatology app development needs:

- There’s a major visual element to the science of dermatology and with Panther’s voice and video calling feature, patients can connect with dermatologists whenever they need to.
- Being cautious about your skin is understandable and being worried when something unusual shows is equally worrisome. With Panther’s teledermatology app, patients can ask questions and get opinions at any time of the day.
- Using Panther’s teledermatology software solutions, patients can book appointments from a list of dermatologists available on the platform. After an appointment booking, patients will receive a notification closer to the time to ensure fewer no-shows.
- With Panther, you decide what your teledermatology app would look like. From the prominent colour scheme to the overall layout of the app, you decide every aspect.
- Getting access to a patient’s medical history is a crucial element of any telemedicine app. With Panther’s teledermatology app development software, doctors can easily access patient medical history via patient history bots. And they even can share their findings with other doctors on the team.
Partner with Panther and bring your teledermatology business to life. Get in touch with our team of tech experts. Learn more about the various features of the Panther app development software. Its design is to help you build a great teledermatology app.
And if you are looking for an in-depth understanding of how to set up a telemedicine platform, here is a free e-book curated just for you!

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