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Ebook: Powering the On Demand Economy

By Samar Singla 17th November 2016

(Ebook download link at the bottom)

Today’s competitive business landscape can only brook so much in terms of trial and error. We know the reason why everything is calculated, planned and sketched out when it comes to big business decisions. This goes double for the on-demand economy. This new economy, ‘gig economy’, sharing economy (a variety of names can be used) is also competing with traditional models of operation, in addition to cultivating competition within its own participants. It has been cited to be volatile, risky yet fast-paced and exponential for growth.Knowledge is the keyword here.

Sure, we could give you all the information but not much would be actionable. Making sense of various elements,like the models operating in this economy, the interplay of variables and comprehensive solutions are essential for your journey as an entrepreneur in this economy.

This book is for those who wish to enhance their knowledge about the on-demand economy. It enables them to roll up their sleeves, grit their teeth and face the challenges it has to present. It deals with developing on-demand solutions to extant businesses, or developing one from scratch.
Retrofitting is a big part of the task. As one of the leading online platforms and technology solution providers in this realm, we do have a degree of expertise when it comes to these aspects. Reading this book will be helpful in opening your world to the advent of on-demand.
Welcome to the business of revolutionizing business with NextJuggernaut.

Then download the free eBook ‘Powering On Demand Economy’ now!

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