

Build your very own customized community to facilitate Musical Instruments sharing in minutes

Multi Vendor Marketplace Select your
Start listing of your
Go online in

Your powerful online marketplace

Sign-up, choose your marketplace theme, Create your listing, Upload your listing and go online in minutes

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Customer ordering

  • Let your users easily log in to your marketplace through Facebook, Google, LinkedIn & Email.
  • Help your customers find the most relevant products using advanced filters.
  • Display ratings and reviews for each Musical Instrument.
  • Let your customers pay securely and with ease through multiple payment options like stripe, PayPal, cards and more.

Your powerful admin

  • Get complete control over who can create listings on your marketplace with an easy approval mechanism.
  • Increase the order requests by sending customized offers promos and referrals to customers.
  • Easily send notifications to customers and sellers whenever an order is made.
  • Find a detailed summary of all the musical instrument bookings.
Multi Vendor Marketplace

In App Chat

  • Addressing Customer Queries and Grievances At One Place.
  • Instantly reply to standard queries with saved replies and chatbots.
  • Enabling Customizations and Modifications to Bookings.
  • Broadcast promotional messages to all your customer’s apps.

Build your own Renting/Selling Marketplace or launch a custom app to expand your business online

Why choose us?

We know it can be really tough to read new books nowadays with our busy life. That’s the reason we’ve made booklov for you.

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Easy To Scale

Do not let the platform
restrict your growth.

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Multiple Business Model

Experience the ease of
starting any business.

Multi Vendor Marketplace

On-Demand Expertise

Discover new limits with the
best players in the industry.

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Powerful Integration

Delight your customers with
an end-to-end solution.

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Dedicated Support

Meet the team that works
tirelessly till you succeed!

Multi Vendor Marketplace

Faster Implementation

Minimize your go-to-market
time and find success sooner!

Get your fully customizable Musical Instruments booking/selling marketplace on the go

Serving clients all over the world

Customers in over 180 countries are growing their businesses with Jungleworks.
5K+Live businesses

Get a Peer To Peer Rental Marketplace Today

Start, build, and grow your online business today! Increase revenue by expanding your reach with the right tools.
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