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Infographic: Why On Demand Mobile Services are the Future

By Parag 6th October 2014

Feeling hungry? Food from your favourite restaurant is only a tap away. Need to get somewhere urgently? A Cab ride is only a tap away.

The customer today requires that everything is just a ‘tap away’. This is the new ‘Generation Touch’, where instant gratification has changed from a luxury into simply a way of life. The era of On Demand Mobile Services has just begun and it is here to stay. We have created the following infographic to explain this very idea. Hope you like it.


We have tried to be as comprehensive as possible, but if you feel that we have left something out, please comment about it. Share this infographic and spread awareness on this idea.

Facts and Stats to Tweet

    1. Over the Past Two Years, On Demand Mobile Service Startups have raised $874M. »tweet«
    2. Mobile Enabled Commerce will give us the next $100 Billion Startup. »tweet«
    3. Groceries, Home Services & Local Events are growing as On Demand Mobile Services.»tweet«
    4. Enterprises and Businesses are looking to adopt On Demand Mobile Services.»tweet«
    5. On Demand Mobile Services offer convenience across every customer touch point. »tweet«

“Some Shameless Publicity”

    1. Juggernaut is a technology provider for On Demand Mobile Service Solutions »tweet«

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