While the world chooses to stay locked down due to Coronavirus spread; video conferencing has turned out to be a new “normal” way to establish communication. Stretching from business meetings to allowing students to attend virtual classes- technology has evolved much faster than anyone could have ever imagined!
The concept of video call is not new but with time, the world is certainly getting mastered to the new routine practices. Even after all this ends, video calls and work from home will be a new normal in people’s work life.
Picture This:
- 96 % of respondents agree that video calling builds connections in remote team
- 33% CAGR is expected by 2022.
- 61% of video call app users are deploying cloud conferencing
- 47% of people prefer video calls while working with remote teams
- 89% of companies are using multiple video conferencing apps
Fugu: A New chapter in video calling apps
Fugu has been a hit since its beginning. Developed and designed by the techies from India that brought us Jugnoo, Fatafat and a range of business solutions; Fugu values the worth of virtual meetings. The asset could be diligently used to initiate and participate in group video calls without any interruption.
Fugu helps in speeding things up in a call by offering its exclusive features such as screen sharing, hand-raising feature, muting the microphone and many more. It serves as a strong platform to let our interlocutors know and understand our part of the conversation too!
Fugu introduces its exclusive go to action features:
If we ask what makes Fugu a favourable choice among many of the existing video calling app platforms still existing- we have a list of hand-picked features. Let’s take a look at one of the highlighting features below
Password- protected video call links
The latest scandals over data privacy has increased apprehension and led many companies to ban major apps. But does that mean that one should take a step back and refrain from using the video call apps? Absolutely not!
Fugu is here to help you, secure your privacy at the times when you need it the most. How?
The concept of putting passwords to your calls
We believe in starting from the basics. Remember; when you have a piggy bank; you use to put a lock over it- so that your money remains safe! And the digital password in your personal diary! Keeping it simple for your video calls too, Fugu introduces its exclusive feature of everytime generating an unique password for your calls. Isn’t it a cool feature to use!
How does it work?
As soon as you need to initiate a video call; you will get an option to generate the password for that particular call. You can share that password link to only those users whom you wish to participate in the call. And you are good to go! With a few simple clicks, you can stop the outsiders from invading your video calls and can stay assured about your secured conversations. To double check on the video call privacy clause; Fugu generates a new password with every call.
Concluding Thoughts
“ At the end of the day, goals are simple- safety and security”- Jodi Rell
There should be no space left for hackers or strangers to invade your privacy at any cost. Experts believe that post-coronavirus era; many of the successful entrepreneurs will still opt for remote working options- owing to its great consequences. When the world is ready to evolve itself once again with the technology, it’s time for you to fit in the shoes.
If you are looking to add a valuable asset in your professional checklist that can help you to evolve proficiently- think about Fugu. For more information about it; feel free to talk to the experts. And don’t forget to ask for your 30 days free trial!
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