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COVID-19 Alert – Precautionary travel measures to be taken during and after lockdown

By Tannu Sharma 12th May 2020

Lockdown! Travel restrictions! International borders sealed! – We have seen it all. The world is in its learning phase to start adjustments to live with this contagious tide. However, the immediate measure taken to turn the tide – “massive lockdown”- is not a permanent solution. Countries are devising “exit strategies” to lift the restrictions and lockdown. 

Let’s get this fact straight: Coronavirus is not going to disappear anytime soon and the vaccine part is still under trial! We have to face this societal challenge as a team and ensure that until a permanent cure is introduced – we need to track our lives to stay safe amidst the contagious outbreak.  

Contact Tracing Software: Why and How Can it Help?

Prevention is better than the cure”!

You might have heard it many times in your life. Now is the time to implement it in your behaviour too. Contact tracing systems can help you trace the modes, source of contact as soon as you kickstart your travelling habits, once the lockdown is uplifted. We need to be extra cautious with our actions as it is the only possible way to slow down the unprecedented spread of COVID-19. 

At a community level, it might be difficult to manually keep track of people and their travel and health history. This might be one of the biggest challenges to restrict the fraction of infected cases. So, what next? Are we ready to step into another massive lockdown? Certainly not! As a tech-savvy society, we are geared up with enough solutions to fight back and we will!

But This Time – How Can Technology Support Us?

“Safe Pass”– Another evolution of tech minds that will assist the societal fight against COVID-19 crisis. The safe pass lets you stay acquainted with the whereabouts of the people around you. 

If you are in a work model that requires you to keep close contact with many people around you, make sure you optimise the best contact tracing software in your work behaviour. From informing the travel location of the people around you to ensuring you stay informed about any positive case among them – safe pass does it all.

Safe Pass is a diligent contact tracing software as it supports:

  • Tracking the prior travel history of individuals
  • Updates about the health status of people you meet
  • Alerts in case of presence of any positive case
  • Tracks contact history of suspected and confirmed cases

Exclusive Features of Safe Pass – You Must Know!

  • There is no compromise with privacy – no data is leaked to any third party
  • Effortless tracking of infected, suspected carriers of  COVID-19
  • Quick notification is sent to people who crossed paths with any positive case in the past few days
  • Real-time location sharing and tracking facility is available
  • Self-testing is possible too 
  • A prior alert is sent, in case any positive case is in close proximity and vice versa

Other travel measures to be taken:

There is no specific guideline about what to do and how to do- people are still learning and finding better ways to keep themselves away from the virus infection. We have hand-picked a few of the important learnings from recent times that might help in ensuring that you and your loved ones are safe and secure from COVID-19 outrageous attack. 

Avoid close contact with people

Handshakes and hugs no longer make the cut. Switch to a broad smile on your face! This helps secure the act of social distancing. These small behavioural changes in our routine life can help us shield our society from the pandemic. Moreover, it is also advisable that once the lockdown is lifted, people should remain self-quarantined as much as possible. 

Avoid non-essential travels

We understand you have personal and professional commitments that need you to rush to different places. However, looking at the current scenario, people should avoid non-essential travel to the maximum. You can choose to keep yourself virtually connected with your loved ones, instead of travelling to their place.

Can follow the odd-even travel pattern

Though practical implementation of this rule is still under review, a small initiative at an individual level could bring big change. Keeping in mind the need to avoid the rush on roads, we as a society can build some flexible rules of travelling. 

Sanitize and Disinfect your surroundings

Your smart practices to sanitize and disinfect your surroundings will have an impact. Few practices such as 

  • covering the mouth, nose while travelling/during conversations
  • Using a face mask or cloth covering
  • Using hand sanitizer to clean your hands

These small changes in our lives can surely help in staying safe and healthy. 

Regular app screening

Last but not the least, you can choose to frequently screen your health via safe pass. This helps you to keep yourself and your family members checked for any sort of unwanted casualty. Coronavirus is not lethal, but ignorance is! Make sure you fight both.

Safety in your hands

You are doing pretty well at keeping yourself and people around you protected with your wise behaviour. But, the war is not over yet! We need to keep following the safety tips to ensure that we play our role in the making of a corona-free world. 

Safe pass is your ticket to stay confident and informed about your surroundings. Even after the easing up of the travel restrictions, you need to behave cautiously, smartly and progressively to rise against this tide. 
If you are willing to wear this responsibility and make a difference around you, feel free to connect with us.

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