TuLi matches tutors to students on its mobile app
TuLi streamlines the process of finding, matching, scheduling, paying, and rating a tutor into one seamless process. It was found in 2014 with the motive of solving problems faced by students during preparation for exams. All Tuli tutors are verified peer tutors that have excelled in their classes and have had the same teachers as the student. The following schools are currently on the Tuli platform including Tulane, Quinnipiac University, University of South Carolina, University of Delaware and University of Maryland.
Tuli aimed to remove the arduous process of searching through email lists and waiting for a response, miscommunication and spamming of student news feeds/mailbox.
- Tuli wanted a platform where only verified tutors who had received an A grade (or equivalent) would be able to sign up
- The platform needed to match tutors to students based on availability, type of demand, preferences, ratings and reviews.
- The technology had to enable immediate confirmation from the tutor
- A payment system was to be set up so that the student was automatically charged
JungleWorks’s solution involved the creation of a Tutor and a Student app.
- Students enter in their school ID and the courses they are enrolled in, and TuLi will use its matching algorithm to find the perfect tutor for them.
- Students can choose between a scheduled appointment or an “on-demand” if they need help immediately.
- Tutors create an account and select the courses they are interested in tutoring for.
- They submit their transcript for review to ensure they are qualified in the subject.
- Tutors can link their bank account so they can be paid daily.
- A“Favorites” function allows students to save their favorite tutors and request them directly for future sessions. If the tutor is not available, the student will be notified, and the request can become available for other tutors to accept.
- Tuli has successfully provided students a platform to ask for and receive expert guidance
- Its service has been favorably received by the student community including those who were hesitant in asking for help or discussing payments with their tutors
- By streamlining communication and pairing, TuLi has provided tutors with a quick, easy way to reinforce both their knowledge and their wallets on their own time.
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