Tookan Turns Four this month and we are overwhelmed with the trust and love our clients have shown in us. Standing at 4 years today, and looking at all these amazing feedback from our most valuable clients makes all the restless days so worth it. The Gift Group operating in the United States & Canada […]
Read MoreShould You Outsource Delivery Services For Your Business Or Keep It In-House?

In a world full of digital technologies where consumers can get virtually anything from clothes, food, grocery, and everything else they want to be delivered next to their doorstep. In a Survey by Capgemini, 40% of consumers stated on time delivery services to be a must-have for any food, and grocery business and 90% of […]
Read MoreDaily Challenges faced by On Demand Delivery Businesses

In general, on demand delivery, is a set of rules that has to be properly defined in order to satisfy customer requests. The delivery industry is one of the only sectors that is booming during the coronavirus pandemic. In the UK, the delivery business has grown by 11.5% while others struggle to keep their doors […]
Read MoreChoose the best delivery management platform: Tookan, Onfleet, Bringg, GetSwift, Routific, Dispatch

Delivery services are one of the game-changers of a business. There are multiple segments that contribute to making delivery management software apt for a business user. In spite of any of the business models you follow, you need to make sure your delivery management software stays compatible with your ongoing business demands. From taking care […]
Read MoreHow Lyft Works: Insights into Business & Revenue Model

Lyft is an on-demand transportation service platform that lets people hire a cab with the help of a tap on their smartphone. The business model of Lyft is something similar to that of Uber and that’s why Lyft is often termed as an alternative to Uber. Being valued at $5.5 Billion and having a presence in 200 cities […]
Read MoreWhy should businesses outsource Delivery Management?

We have been working in the general On Demand space for more than 2 years now, and all the while we were seeing a clear demand among businesses to provide an efficient Uber like delivery management solution.
Read More5 Reasons to use Tookan as your Delivery Management Software

Delivery is defined as a ‘formal and voluntary transfer of possession’. However, it is much more than that. Delivery is a process of fulfilling a promise which a business made to its customer.
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