Losing car keys after a party, mislaying office keys during the business trip, dropping room keys in the mall, etc. are some of the dreadful examples of experiencing the great loss of misplacing a Key. Returning home and realizing that your keys never left with you and are still inside your house is terrible. And you know what is worse? Realizing that you have lost them altogether. This doesn’t end here. If you have lost the key in the daytime, then you can replace it for less than $10, given that you are lucky enough to find a Locksmith just around the corner. But God forbid, if it is the night-time, then get ready to spend more than $100 for the new copy.
But Greg Marsh decided to solve this problem for the entire world and started KeyMe. It is a New York-based startup for On-Demand Locksmith Services that ‘allows users to store, share, and duplicate their physical keys using a digital scan that is securely stored in the cloud’. Its KeyMe App for iPhones and Kiosk is revolutionizing the local Locksmith marketplace of New York in the best way possible.
In conversation with Greg Marsh, Founder, and CEO of KeyMe.
About KeyMe
Q: Tell us something about KeyMe, and how it works.
A: KeyMe is a convenient and secure way to copy keys and solve lockouts. Scan keys from your phone. When you get locked out, a locksmith can make your keys from scratch by viewing instructions we display on your phone. You can also log in to one of our retail kiosks and print a spare key in 30 seconds.
Q: How did you come up with the idea of KeyMe?
A: When I moved to New York City, my wife got locked out a few times. She would pay a few hundred dollars for someone to break our lock. This struck me as such an inefficient process and I wanted to come up with a better solution.
Q: What technologies and tools are you using to scan keys and solve the lockout problems?
A: We use cutting-edge computer vision and machine learning techniques to analyze keys from images. KeyMe also has built advanced robotics to cut keys quickly and accurately.
Q: How are you marketing KeyMe to make it a household name one day?
A: We are focused on delivering great service and making customers happy. We’ve found that when someone makes keys with us, they have such a good experience that they use us for all their future needs and tell their friends. This is how we have grown to date.
KeyMe and On Demand Locksmith Services
Q: How is KeyMe contributing towards revolutionizing the Locksmith Industry?
A: This is an industry that hasn’t seen innovation in decades. We are bringing unprecedented convenience and value into space by making it easy, secure, and inexpensive to copy keys and solve lockouts.
Q: In your opinion, why do we need On-Demand Mobile Service Solutions for the Locksmith industry?
A: There should be a better solution to lockouts, rather than paying hundreds of dollars for an emergency locksmith to break your lock. We are working hard to provide that solution.
Q: On-Demand Locksmith Services is a venture with a lot of potentials. How are you planning to position KeyMe against prospective Competitors, and how will you sustain your USP?
A: The way to beat the competition is the focus on making your business successful. Delivering the best service to customers is what we are focused on. We have also been very thoughtful about creating intellectual property around the core elements of our technology that enable this service.
Q: According to you, what is the most important thing to keep in mind while disrupting the decades-old industry?
A: Constantly think about the customer and how to make their experience as good as possible.
Future Plans
Q: Where do you see KeyMe in the next 5 years?
A: Our goal is to fundamentally change the way millions of people make and manage their keys. We plan on becoming the dominant player in the locksmith industry. I think we are well on our way to achieving that.
Q: Any word of advice for all the startups out there, who are trying to make it big like KeyMe.
A: I think the most important thing for an early-stage company is its team. Surround yourself with great people who want to work hard to build something successful.
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