You have a business or you have come up with an awesome new product idea, and you are thinking to take it to an online platform. Your family and friends have given you thumbs up, but you are still far from launching an online business. You are scared about financing, building a website and keeping up with the marketing. It seems strange to think about these things at an early stage.
Forget about all the things because starting an online business nowadays is very easy and simple. But it is also necessary to know myths about online business that you should never believe.
1. You can only start an online business with a lot of capital:
Small business owners fear to start an online business because they think that a lot of capital will be needed to start an online business. People around confuse them by telling false things about online business or some companies charge a lot of money for taking their business online.
2. Less Work, More Income:
This is never true, as you are working for yourself, not for someone else, you need to work more and more, you are establishing your brand. If you are working hard, income will boost with time. Suppose you are running a grocery store and you are not gaining much profit in it. If you take that business online your scalability will increase, you will have freedom of working, you can work from where you want, you will have access to wide market- like if you have an offline store only people living nearby to your store will purchase goods from you, but if you take that offline store to online, then people living far from your store can also order from your shop.
3. A lot of money is spent on Advertising:
This is the biggest myth in everyone’s mind that one needs to spend a lot of money on advertising the business. But they don’t know the strategy to advertise. People want their business to run worldwide, but they should advertise and make their business popular in the region they live in. Suppose you are a restaurant owner and planning to start an online business, so you should only advertise your business in the region you live if you start getting a good response and establish yourself in the market then you should plan to expand your business. There are a lot of companies that do advertising for you. Yelo not only makes app/website for your business but also promotes and advertises it for you.
4. App/Website for their business only could be got through freelancers:
Small business owners don’t have much idea about the online business, they don’t even know from where to get the App/Website ready for their business. They approach freelancers or people around who fool them and ask them for a lot of money. Nowadays there are a lot of platforms where App/Website for business can be created, where you can list your shops and you will also get the admin dashboard in which you can track the activities of the customers like orders and payments. You can get your app/website ready with Yelo today.
5. Starting an online business all by yourself is too difficult:
As small business owners don’t have much idea about online business, they think that it’s very difficult to start an online business. But they don’t know that they are an only single click away from launching their online business. There are platforms where you just need to register yourself and tell them what customizations do you need in your App/Website. Rest everything they will do. Just a little research on the market is required. Check what people already in the same business segment are doing.
6. Buying domain name and hosting are difficult:
There is nothing like that. Nowadays there are a lot of platforms offering domain and hosting at a very cheap price. All you need to do is simply search the domain that you want, if the domain name is available then you can buy it or they will suggest you the best options available. Else there are platforms like Yelo where they will get everything ready for you like website with domain name and hosting.
These are the myths that you should never believe. Online business is growing day by day. If you have a good business plan, just don’t think twice and go for it. Yelo from Jungleworks is the best and most affordable platform where you can take your business online in minutes.
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