
Build The Next
Generation of Face
Recognition With Kato

Empowering intelligent feature with our customizable machine learning and Artifical Intelligence technology

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Kato can add real value including secure access, biometric entry control, event and venue monitoring, school safety, theft and loss prevention, live analytics, attendance, retail insights and physical space analytics.

All-in-One Features of
a Face Recognition System for your Business

Face Recognition

Compare multiple faces to identify which faces belong to the same person.

Access Management

Detect the face to decide if people are from the same area or not.

Footfall Detection

Ability to detect the human walking pattern from one place to another place.

Anti Spoofing

Secure your system from Image, Video and Mask Attacks

Identity Management

Detect the face and decide if access is allowed to the systems or not.

With a facial recognition system, you are able to safeguard your home easily while receiving less false alarms.

Smart Homes

Avoid miscellaneous entries, anti-spoofing, and employees attendence in your office using the Kato face recognition system.

Enterprise Security

Our system can instantly alert retail security the moment someone who matches a documented retail criminal enters a store.

Retail Stores

What all you
can secure with Kato

We are the market leaders in end to end BI Data Analytics and Security Solutions for Enterprises, Campuses and Live events.

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Our technology recognize the face of the driver was taken while taking a parking ticket and will be recorded as comparative data source that will be used to identify the driver when paying the parking fee.

Parking Management

Our technology enables you to identify people at an event. With face-based registration, and easily check-in your attendees.

Large Event and Expos

Automatic vehicle identifier with respect to owner identification by face recognition, for the security of the highly restricted areas like housing areas, Enterprises and Small business.

Entry/Exit Gates

Start your journey with kato

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Serving clients all over the world

Customers in over 180 countries are growing their businesses with Jungleworks.
5K+Live businesses