Our Secret Sauce
Custom front end built from scratch
Customer App
Field App
Technology stack for chosen scale
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Vertically aligned marketplaces need a smooth On boarding process for both suppliers and the customers. Authentication, Background checks, contact information aspects are taken care of in this module.
Splash Screen
Allow customers to contact their driver, dispatcher or call center with a single tap.
User can register onto the platform using their email id/phone number or via Social Media.
Personal Details
User is able to enter his personal details at the time of registration.
One Time Password Verification helps in verifying the authenticity of the customer.
Service listings shown in a comprehensive and standardised manner which helps streamline the user experience. Sub Categories associated with each service reinforces in the mind of the consumer that What you See is what you get.
The core functionality of an On Demand Application is the ability to schedule a service instantly at their designated location. There may be cases where the economics of Scheduled Services may be more viable viz a viz the instant counterpart.
Marketing Promotions and Referral Bonuses greatly increase acquisition and retention of customers on the platform.
The crux of the on demand platform is the matching algorithm that you use to allocate service providers to every customer request. Automatic matching could be on the basis of hard filters such as location, service required and the availability.
Messages, Emails and Push notifications at all points in the customer and the service provider journey ensures transparency for all the stakeholders. Interaction between the customer and Service provider is facilitated via Call/SMS.
Tracking the Service Provider after getting the On the Way notification associates reliability with our platform in end user’s mind. Getting real time ETA builds on the same.
Getting real time ETA builds on the same.
Integrations with local Payment Gateways allow for seamless payments using Credit Cards and Debit Cards. Scanning Credit Cards enables automatically capturing Card Details.
Customer Rating and Review serves as an external curation that helps in guiding allocation, sourcing trust, and signals quality of supply.