
BlogBlog JungleworksTookan

Introducing Task Earnings

By Team Tookan 31st July 2017

We are glad to announce a new feature on our platform. You can now define agent earnings from the dashboard which can be seen on the agent app. If you use Tookan where every agent earns something on completing any task, you can use this feature.

This feature is an addon that can be activated from the dashboard. Once activated, you can customize the earning calculation from the templates section.

Here’s a quick walkthrough on using this add-on:

  • Enable the Task Earning add-on from the marketplace on the dashboard.
  • Set an earning rule for each task. The agent earns this amount on completion of the task.
  • On completion of the task.
  • On the agent app, the earning summary is shown in the side menu and a summary screen is shown on completion of the task.
  • On the dashboard, the earning details are shown in the analytics menu and task details.

Note: This add-on is not supported on older versions of the app. Please update your Tookan app from the App Store before proceeding.

Do check it out and let us know what you think.

-Product Team

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