Too busy, miles away or simply don’t feel like checking something out in real life? Sometimes we need to be in several places at once. Luckily now we can! With ibiLive you can establish a virtual presence by sending a request to someone nearby to make a live stream for you. Making it possible to be anywhere, anytime!
ibiLive is the first virtual marketplace of its kind on the market. In a conversation with the founder, Pasquale Cataldi, we found out how the idea was born, received insights into their unique business model and much, much more!
Q1) Starting an On-Demand virtual presence service is definitely a great idea. Tell us something about ibiLive and your personal motivation for starting this service?
ibiLive’s goal is to allow people to have a live connection in places where they know nobody or where there is no one they know who is available. All current live connection models are based on sharing personal information, like telephone number or skype id, or on viewing passively what someone else has decided to broadcast (Periscope, FB live).
I found that often we want to see something of our choice in real time in another place with our own eyes and we have no one that can help us there. I was often in this situation and that’s why I started ibiLive.
Q2) Could you shed some light on IbiLive’s Business Model?
We believe there is a value in being able to get a person to be your “eyes and ears on the ground” for a limited time in a remote location, through the use of the latter’s smartphone. So we chose an on-demand, Uber-Like, model, where the customer makes a request to users/service providers in the location of interest and he/she is willing to pay them to get the service he/she wants. On the other side the service provider has a monetary incentive to use his/her phone to help an unknown customer in another part of town or the world.
Q3) What is the value proposition that you offer?
If you can have a virtual presence and satisfy your need to check something out in another place without having to go there, we believe that can save you time and money and can also help you make a better informed decision.
Q4) What makes ibiLive stand out against other competitors (if any)?
Right now we don’t have competitors. All other live streaming platforms are based on the broadcaster choosing the time and content of the video. We instead give this power to the viewer.
Q5) How has the experience with Juggernaut been?
Overall good as the fact that they specialise in the on-demand mobile service industry has clearly helped us in shaping ibiLive.
Q6) Are you satisfied with your technology platform as it exists today?
The head of a start-up company can never be satisfied, but let’s say I am satisfied we are heading in the right direction in terms of technological solutions.
Q7) What is one particular Marketing Tool or process which you swear by, that has helped you gain more users on the platform?
Right now Facebook Ads has been the most successful tool.
Q8) What is the hardest thing that you had to overcome during your journey of getting IbiLive to where it is now?
I am not from a tech background so learning new things, new terms, new products and and new tool to do business has been quite hard. Dealing with tech people is also quite difficult for me.
Q9) What is your strategy to expand to international markets?
The app is scalable but I am focussing on Europe right now. The strategy will evolve as we collect customer’s feedback and test the app in a smaller market.
Q10) What do you feel is the future of the On-Demand economy and how can it help people and businesses alike?
I believe it is the future as long as people understand that not only traditional services can be transformed into on-demand mobile services but also new type of services, like ours.
Q11) How do you see ibiLive evolving in coming years?
Tough to say. From first feedbacks it looks like it has to be more “social”.
Q12) Any advice for startups trying to make it big in the On-Demand space?
ibiLive didn’t make it big, at least for now, so better not to claim credits that we don’t have. What I can say is that any new start up requires a lot of work and personal commitment. Money is rarely a motivation for this kind of business. It is just a mean to get your product out. If you feel that making money is your main motivation, then it’s more likely that you won’t make it big.
Want to know more? Connect with ibiLive on Facebook and Twitter, or visit their Website.
ibiLive partnered with Juggernaut for this on-demand live streaming service. If you are looking for a technology partner for your venture, get in touch with us today!
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