What is optimization in Mappr?
It means, optimizistion and sequence of routing with less cost and more quality. Mappr software distributes orders between the optimum number of routes (also calculated by the software) and provides the path and sequence of each route in order to achieve optimization.
Is there any restriction for number of vehicles used while optimization of route?
No, any number of vehicles are supported for route optimization.
Is there any restrictions to use APIs from other software vendor solutions?
We provide open API's that available for all our clients and can be used from the Mappr dashboard.
What is the average time to conduct an optimization?
For optimizing around 100 tasks with 10 Drivers, Mappr system takes around 30 seconds to optimize the route.
What all APIs does Mappr solution provide?
Distance Matrix API, Forward Geocoding API, Reverse Geocoding API, Navigation API, Route Optimization API.
What is the cost of mapping API in Mappr solution?
Mappr does not charge seperately for different types of API's like distance matrix API, Geocoding API, etc. Mappr offers different plans wherein clients can buy bulk API transactions and then use them.
Can I download the data of routes after the optimization is done?
Yes, the routes can be exported from the dashboard in the form of excel and CSV file.
How many countries is Mappr available in?
We provide our mapping services in 100+ countries.
Can Mappr Provide manually customize routes in special events with no time for action?
Yes, with Mappr, you can can easily customize routes manually with our drag and drop feature.
Can I get comparison of variables between the planned and real outcome with Mappr?
No, Mappr provides the routes in static form only.
What type of variables are included while optimizing the route?
Mappr includes variables like capacity, Load, Time, Distance, Agent and Task timings to optimize the routes.
Does Mappr gives priorities to urgent customers/orders?
Yes, Mappr prioritizes to urgent customers/orders.
Which programming languages/scripting languages do you use for customer specific adaptations?
We use Javascript, Java, Python, etc. for customer specific adaptations.
How are requirements of Mappr customers considered in the product strategy of Mappr solution in general?
We majorly cater the requirement of our customers and do the customizations accordingly. We are quite flexiable with the it to give the product a boost.
Does Mappr supports multiple days route planning?
Mappr do have multiple day routing function which enables Mappr to injest multiple days data and optimize it.
Does Mappr provide free trial?
Yes, Mappr do provide a free trial for 14 days and upto 50,000 API transations.
How does Mappr solution send the route informations to the flied agents or drivers?
In Mappr, the dashboard allows the client to send a link containing the route information directly to the driver's email or mobile.
Do you have a help desk to support our issues?
Yes, Mappr does provide a customer support to its customers.
Does Mappr has modification or customization of maps?
Yes, mappr has a design studio on dasboard wherein one can easily customize the map.
Can I calculate route cost with Mappr?
No, Mappr doesn't allow you to calculate the route cost but you can avail that feature through an extension.