Jungleworks12th May 2015
How Rover.com, an online marketplace for is connecting Dog Parents with Dog Sitters- Startup Story #12One of the downside of working full-time and/or travelling constantly is not.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks6th April 2015
Devaraj Southworth on how Thirstie is empowering the Alcohol Culture with On-Demand Technology – Startup Story #11Throughout the journey of Startup Stories, I have often discussed how a.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks10th March 2015
Daniel and Mariam on how Doughbies is delivering oven-fresh Cookies in 20 minutes- Startup Story #10“Empty?! You took all the cookies!" "They were crying to get out of.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks3rd March 2015
Jereme on how UrbanStems is transforming the On-Demand Flower Delivery Market- Startup Story #9Who doesn’t like to receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers with a thoughtful.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks24th February 2015
Steven and Anson on how SpoonRocket is delivering Healthy Meals at the Speed of Light- Startup Story #8One thing I love- EATING! One thing I hate- COOKING! Often during lunch.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks19th February 2015
Cyrus on how Push for Pizza is the easiest way of ordering Pizza- Startup Story #7We all love options! After all, we are individuals with distinct likes,.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks4th February 2015
Shay Gleeson on how HelpStay is offering a Trustworthy Marketplace for Volunteering Abroad- Startup Story #6The great George MacDonald once said that “to be trusted is a greater.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks27th January 2015
Lindsey Andrews and Lara Crystal on How Minibar is rolling the party with On Demand Alcohol Delivery- Startup Story #5A party without Spirits? Not possible! Dinner without Wine? Not.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks6th January 2015
Robert Preville on How KWIPPED is providing an Online Marketplace for Renting Equipment- Startup Story #4Aston wanted to make his girlfriend’s birthday party special by being the DJ.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks12th November 2014
David Mandell on How PivotDesk is providing a Marketplace for Shared Office Space- Startup Story #3“You need? I have! ..... I need! You have?” This is the new.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks8th October 2014
Simone Collins on How ArtCling is helping the On-Demand Customized Art Grow- Startup Story #2All we want is an apartment that feels like home. And by home, I mean a place.. [..]Read story -
Jungleworks18th September 2014
Greg Marsh on How KeyMe is offering the best On-Demand Locksmith Services-Startup Story #1Losing car keys after a party, mislaying office keys during the business trip,.. [..]Read story
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