
Uber For Delivery

uber for


Bring your delivery game to another level of accuracy and efficiency - bring it On-Demand.

Groceries, toiletries, packages -you name it, people will want it delivered to them. In an industry where every second counts, a single edge makes the difference. Today, On-Demand mobile apps are that competitive edge. Through automated order and request management systems, on-point GPS accuracy and optimized routes, you can transport goods to customers with unprecedented speed.Jugnoo is an On-Demand mobile application handling delivery and logistics, developed by Juggernaut. Jugnoo has already won 6 million dollars in funding; you could be next.

With vast expertise in the delivery industry and an in-depth understanding of On-Demand mobile applications, Juggernaut will help you kick-launch your company into the On-Demand space. Here’s a glimpse of the possible business models for your exclusive mobile app:

Possible Business Models

Permanent staff and Freelance - Singular business

Connects customers to your business and allows you to deliver your products straight to their doorstep. This model is best suited for existing companies who want to deliver.

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Permanent staff and Freelance - Marketplace

Connects customers to various local businesses within a specific industry, and allows them to select and order based on user-generated reviews. Companies should be on-boarded and integrated into your mobile application.

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Permanent staff and Freelance - Universal

Allows your customers to order anything and have it delivered to their doorsteps; your contracted or freelance delivery personnel will do the shopping and delivery. No integration with vendor's is necessary.

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