On-Demand App for
Massages And Spas
Take the stress out of your customer’s massage by going On-Demand - when they’re relaxing, so are you.
For a relaxing massage, the booking and management process can be pretty stressful. Missed booking calls and conflicting schedules all inconvenience your customer and diminish what was supposed to be a soothing and calming experience.
But here’s the good news: by integrating your massage business into the On-Demand space, we can eliminate these hassles and replace them with a seamless experience for both you and your customers. Intuitive service selection, dynamic schedule displays, and automated request management are just a few perks that will take the stress off you - taking stress off your customers.
Get Angels Now is a revolutionary On-Demand mobile application Juggernaut developed to connect massage enterprises and freelancers to an ever-growing customer base. You could be next.
Possible Business Models

Permanent Staff - In-Home Reservations
Connects massage industry enterprises with customers. Appointments are made and services are provided at the location of the customer’s choosing.

Permanent Staff - In-Store Reservations
Connects beauty industry enterprises with customers. Appointments are made and the service is carried out at the enterprise’s place of business.

Freelancers - In-Home Reservations
Connects freelancers working as stylists, makeup artists, etc. with customers. Services are carried out at the location of the customer’s choosing.