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How Flightmap Works?

Plan all your delivery routes using the most efficient route optimization algorithms

Import Stops

Bulk import stops in CSV format. Uploaded
details are used to auto plan routes for stops.

Manage Stops

Manually edit stops, make corrections to
unfetched stops or delete stops as desired.

Optimize Routes

Switch between a fun and interesting map view and list
view. Use drag and drop to manually re-arrange stops.

Export Routes

Export all your routes in a CSV file in a single
click for a seamless experience.

Import Stops

Bulk import stops in CSV format. Uploaded
details are used to auto plan routes for stops.

Manage Stops

Manually edit stops, make corrections to
unfetched stops or delete stops as desired.

Optimize Routes

Switch between a fun and interesting map view and list
view. Use drag and drop to manually re-arrange stops.

Export Routes

Export all your routes in a CSV file in a single
click for a seamless experience.

Let's find a way together

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