  • Empowering Fieldforce

    Greg Marsh on How KeyMe is offering the best On-Demand Locksmith Services-Startup Story #1

    Keyme - Jungleworks

    Losing car keys after a party, mislaying office keys during the business trip, dropping room keys in the mall, etc. are some of the dreadful examples of experiencing the great loss of misplacing a Key. Returning home and realizing that your keys never left with you and are still inside your house is terrible. And […]

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    Uber For [X] EVERYTHING


    Once upon a time, there was a girl named Alice. She wanted to bake a cute strawberry cake for her mother. But, to her disappointment, she was left with no eggs and very little milk. Under normal circumstances, she would have panicked and rushed to the nearby 7Eleven. But, instead, she grabbed her smartphone, and […]

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